MIDTERM is the 2nd video in the BACK TO SCHOOL ON BOBCATS 3 part series. MIDTERM is a 2 hour information packed video focusing on the two most asked questions about trapping, LOCATIONS and THE SETS WE USE. We go into depth discussing and showing locations and the sets we use to take hundreds upon hundreds of bobcats. In this video we show locations from the air so viewers can better understand why bobcats use them.
Topics covered: General locations viewed from the air. Set locations within the general location. The 5 things of a great set location. The theory behind stepping sticks. Equipment we use. The exposed walk-through set. Toilet stations and how we set them. The double in-line walk-through set. Checking traps and much more.
The producer of MIDTERM, Robert Helms has trapped bobcats for almost 38+ years. As a long-liner he has learned to keep quiet. Up until his daughter Reilee Helms bought his lure recipes and started Western Cats Inc.™ Robert had shared his knowledge with no one.
Reilee Helms, the owner of Western Cats Inc.™ started this business when she was 10 years old. Her goal is to get kids of all ages interested in trapping. She started trapping when she was just 5 years old & she knows if kids could go checking traps just once they would be hooked, just as she is.
This video was produced to refresh the seasoned trappers knowledge and teach the new trappers what they need to know to set good locations. For more information BACK TO SCHOOL ON BOBCATS and BACK TO SCHOOL ON BOBCATS – FINALS are available.
Total run time is 2 hours and 15 minutes. This is a digital download, a secure link will be provided after checkout. Download time will vary based on your internet speed.
Chris LaCorti (verified buyer) –
Lots of useful information