Tired of Non-productive cat lines? BACK TO SCHOOL ON BOBCATS is by far the most informative video on finding bobcats. “You’ve got to find them before you can catch them”.
Including: preseason scouting; locations within the location; the basic walkthrough set; maintaining the trapline; goal setting; checking traps and much more.
The producer of BACK TO SCHOOL ON BOBCATS, Robert Helms has trapped bobcats for decades. As a long-liner he learned to keep QUIET. Up until now he has shared his knowledge with no one. Robert has tried to stay under the radar so to speak, until his 10 year old daughter Reilee Helms bought his lure recipes and started Western Cats Inc.™ Reilee’s goal is to get kids of all ages to experience what she has trapping with her dad. Reilee knows if kids could go checking traps just once, they would be hooked on trapping just like her.
Total run time is 2 hours and 6 minutes. This is a digital download, a secure link will be provided after checkout. Download time will vary based on your internet speed.
Eric M. –
Hi Folks, I purchased your video and was pleasantly surprised with the quality of info, and the quality of the video itself. I personally would have liked to see more information on macro and micro locations but I understood your explanations. I’ve trapped awhile and ever realized that about the size of stepping sticks. Do you ever find the cats have stepped on those thus avoiding the trap? All and all I consider the purchase well worth my money.
Best wishes,
Eric Martin
Ty N. –
Just finished the DVD, great information, easy to watch and lots of good footage. Good work!
Tanner F. (verified buyer) –
I have a lot of other dvd’s on cat trapping but yours is by far my favorite. The reason for buying your videos was to hopefully get my daughters interest when they seen Reilee and it worked for my 8yr old. She watched the whole video and must have been paying attention cause she nailed it on the “where would you set” pictures. I’m also a big fan of exposed sets, never would have thought about using such large stepping sticks but makes sense. Brush on the rocks to prevent step overs, I’ll be doing that now too. You also have the same kind of juniper habitat which we have here so that was a big plus! Never heard anything about habitat convergence among lots of other things you covered. Good luck and thanks a bunch! Tanner
Hills N Gills –
I’ve caught seven cats in the exposed walk throughs since I’ve got your dvd.